Forms and Documents | Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA)
Getting Started & Troop Basics: 8 Available
  1. Criminal Offender Record Information
  2. Checklist for new Troop Leaders
  3. For new troops creating/changing troop accounts.
  4. Complete this form at the initial troop meeting.
  5. For all activities outside of regular troop meeting.
  6. Complete by June 30th every year.
Safety, Outdoor, and Travel Experiences: 12 Available
  1. Print this and keep a copy in your first aid kit.
  2. GSEMA 2024-26 edition
  3. Identify, mitigate, and respond to emergencies.
  4. High adventure, overnight, & money-earning activities
  5. To be completed by caregivers for all overnights
  6. Archery Equipment and Range Reservation Form
  7. Submit for travel of 4+ nights OR 6+ hours.
  8. Training on everything outside troop meeting location
Programs & Highest Awards: 6 Available
  1. Register for GSEMA Programs using cookie credits.
  2. GSEMA Program Financial Aid
  3. The project approval form for your Bronze Award.
  4. Form to fill out when your Bronze Award is completed.
  5. The project proposal form for your Silver Award.
  6. Form to fill out when your Silver Award is completed.
Spanish Forms: 3 Available
  1. Formulario Anual de permiso de Girl Scouts
  2. Formulario de Actividad de Girl Scouts