Volunteer Appreciation | Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA)

Appreciation Pin
Recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience, but for this pin the impact is within one geographic area of service.

Scope of Service: One service unit/community

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, two forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development


Honor Pin
Recognizes an individual’s exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience; this support has had a measurable impact on two or more geographic areas of service to reach and surpass the mission-delivery goals of the council.

Scope of Service: Two or more service units/communities.

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, two forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development


Thanks Badge
Honors an individual whose ongoing commitment, leadership, and service have had an exceptional, measurable impact on meeting the mission-delivery goals and priorities of the entire council or the entire Girl Scout movement.

Scope of Service: Council-wide or nationwide.

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, two forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development

Thanks Badge II
Honor a previous Thanks Badge award recipient who has continued to provide exemplary service in a leadership role which resulted in a measurable impact benefitting the entire Girl Scout Movement.

Scope of Service: Nationwide

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, four forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development

President's Award
Recognizes the efforts of a service team, committee, or volunteer team whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s overall goals.

Scope of Service: Council-wide

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, one with three letters of endorsement (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development

Helen Storrow Heritage Award
Members or committees who have contributed to the growth and strength of GSEMA through their philanthropy and their efforts to preserve the vast history and legacy of GSEMA.

Scope of Service: Council-wide

GSEMA Nomination forms required? No: recommended by Fund Development team.

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
Focused impact on philanthropy and fund development (e.g., personal giving, fundraising events).

Lifetime of Service Award
Volunteers who have championed the mission of Girl Scouting through long-term commitment and exemplary work at the troop, service unit or council level for fifteen or more years.

Scope of Service: One service unit to nationwide

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, two forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development


Red Rose Award
A volunteer who actively demonstrates exemplary commitment to the Girl Scout values of diversity, equity and inclusion in support of the Girl Scout Leadership Experience.

Scope of Service: One or more service units/ communities

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, two forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
Focused impact on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Sustained Service Pin
Volunteers actively giving valuable service to GSEMA for 5+ or 10+ consecutive years since receiving a prior recognition (e.g., Appreciation Pin or Honor Pin).

Scope of Service: Based on prior award received.

GSEMA Nomination forms required? Yes, two forms must be submitted (view).

Impact to Girl Scout Leadership Experience Goals
In any one or more of the following categories:

  • Membership growth and/or retention
  • Program development and/or delivery
  • Cookies or Fall Product Program participation or sales
  • Governance (e.g., policies, strategy)
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Philanthropy and fund development
Years of Membership Numeral Guard Pins

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts is dedicated to honoring our long-term volunteers and members by providing their numeral guard pins representing more than 20 years of membership. Members celebrating their anniversary year of 20, 25, 30, 35, etc. should complete Years of Membership Pin Request Form to let us know they are due (or overdue) for a pin. We invite all those receiving membership numeral guard pins to join GSEMA staff and volunteers at our annual celebration event or request that a pin be mailed to them.

Volunteer and Donor Recognition Honorees
Volunteer and Donor Recognition Honorees

This year’s honorees were celebrated at the annual Volunteer and Donor Recognition Celebration on May 19.