Council's Own Badges and Journeys | Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts (GSEMA)

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts have patches just for you.

The Brownies Who Build patch program will help Girl Scouts to understand the steps of the construction process, different construction careers, and how they can build something themselves. The curriculum will take Girl Scouts through a five-step process of designing and constructing their dream building, with options to choose an activity for each step. Upon completion of the program, Girl Scouts will gain knowledgeable skills in design and coordination, cost and estimation, planning, site management and safety, and trades.
The Food Allergy Awareness Patch Program requirements give Girl Scouts the opportunity to learn about life with food allergies, with an emphasis on raising awareness of the public health issue, which impacts 32 million children and adults in the United States. Learn more.
The National Park Service Girl Scout Ranger patch program allows Girl Scouts to complete a combination of activities to fulfill the 10 hour requirement for the patch. Girl Scouts of all age levels can earn this patch by participating at one of your local National Parks. Learn more .
The Go the Distance patch was created by Girl Scout Cadette Troop 73791 from Hopkinton. This patch is designed to inspire Girl Scouts to learn about what it takes to train for a and complete a marathon or long distance run/walk. Girl Scouts may earn this patch as a Junior, Cadette, Senior and Ambassador. Learn more.
For the Journey with John F. Kennedy patch, it is necessary to complete two different activities within the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, and other steps may require work outside the museum. Learn more.
The Juniors Who Build patch program will help Girl Scouts to understand the steps of the construction process, different construction careers, and how they can build something themselves. The curriculum will take Girl Scouts through a five-step process of building a treehouse, with options to choose an activity for each step. Upon completion of the program, Girl Scouts will gain knowledgeable skills in design and coordination, cost and estimation, planning, site management and safety, and trades.
Through activities designed for Girl Scouts, the Lift Your Voice patch leads Girl Scouts through exploring their own identities, learning about communities they are not a part of, practice advocating and standing up for what is right, and connecting it to their Girl Scout experience. Learn more.
The Oceanography badge encourages Girl Scout Brownies to explore the science that deals with oceans, what makes up the ocean water, marine biology, and the uses of the ocean's resources. Learn more.
The Oceanography badge enourages Girl Scout Juniors to explore the science that deals with oceans, the physics and chemistry of ocean water, marine biology, and the uses of the ocean's resources. Learn more.
The Oceanography badge encourages Girl Scout Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors to explore the the science that deals with oceans, the delimitation of their extent and depth, the physics and chemistry of their water, marine biology, and the uses of the ocean's resources. Learn more.
The Plimoth Patuxet Museums Tale of Two Cultures patch was designed to develop an understanding and appreciation for the two very different, important cultures who inhabited 17th century Plimoth Colony, also known as Patuxet in the early 1600s. Those who achieve this patch will better understand not only the history, but also the contemporary culture of the Native Wampanoag people. The patch is available for both Girl Scout Brownies and Juniors. Learn more
The "They Persisted Patch Program" allows Girl Scouts to be a go-getter, innovater, risk-taker, and leader by taking four steps to complete the patch. These steps include reading about strong female leaders, working individually or in small groups to decide on a prominent female leader to research, presenting your biographical information about the person selected, and brainstorming ways in which you can build skills for persistence. Girl Scouts may earn this patch at any age level. Learn more.
The "Troop Terrific Patch Program" assists volunteers and youth members in planning a balanced troop year by diving deeper into GSEMA safety requirements, the Girl Scout leadership experience, service unit engagement, Girl Scout program materials, Girl Scout Product Program, and by helping participants to develop a deeper understanding of the Girl Scout Movement. Learn more.
volunteer with girl on the beach
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