- GSEMA must be notified at least 48 hours in advance of the booth sale if a troop needs to cancel a COBS. Please select dates and times that work best for your troop. GSEMA pays a fee for each MBTA time slot and each Mall location, please be courteous as to not waste the booth opportunity. Failure to notify GSEMA of a cancellation could result in a troop’s eligibility to participate in future COBS activities.
- MBTA COBS cancellations: If your troop is unable to conduct an MBTA COBS that it has won, please email us so that GSEMA can find another troop that is approved to conduct the booth sale. GSEMA will remove the location from the Troop Reservations in Smart Cookies.
- Mall COBS cancellations: If your troop is unable to conduct a Mall COBS that it has won, please find another troop to fill the spot and email us so that GSEMA can reassign the booth sale OR cancel the booth from Troop Reservations in Smart Cookies to open this slot for other troops.
Within 48 hours of the completion of the COBS, troops must report sales totals:
- Use the Smart Cookies Booth Divider (see Troop Smart Cookies Database Guide), OR
- Complete a COBS Review Results form.
These reported totals help inform fellow troops on sale projections and help Council continue sales at these sites.