HSI Pediatric First Aid/Adult/Child/Infant CPR-AED - YOUTH ONLY CLASS (Waltham)
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Date: Sat Oct 12, 9:00 AM EDT - Sat Oct 12, 12:00 PM EDT
  • Girl Training
  • Ambassadors,
  • Seniors,
  • Volunteers,
  • Cadettes

HSI Pediatric First Aid|Adult/Child/Infant CPR-AED (Formerly offered as MEDIC First Aid and CPR Blended Learning) is first aid/CPR/AED training for participants to gain or improve knowledge and skill proficiency. GSEMA offers certifying courses that cover pediatric first aid, and CPR/AED skills for use with adults, children, and infants.


This course is being offered to our 8th grade Cadette/Senior/Ambassador (ages 14-19) members in classes that are unique to them. This certification will allow them to fulfill some badge requirements. Youth members may NOT act as the official first aider for a troop/group or on trips. Their skills, however, allow them to help in emergency situations that they may encounter in their day-to-day life.


This new course reflects the latest in resuscitation science and treatment and conforms with the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines Update for CPR and Emergency Cardiac Care, as well as the annual Guidelines Update.


This course is offered by GSEMA as a blended course for all participants.


This course includes:

- an online portion that is self-paced and takes approximately 3-4 hrs. to complete which needs to be completed before the in-person skills class
- a 3hr, in-person skills practice class
- 2-year certification in Pediatric First Aid/Adult, Child, Infant CPR/AED


Once you register for a skills class date/time you will be registered for your online course and will receive a link to do that online portion at your own pace. The online course must be completed before your in-person skills class.

Course cost: $45.